HEA provides college and university guidance services to secondary school students and college graduates planning to enter post-bachelor degree programs. HEA also works with secondary schools and other organizations requiring support in workshop/seminar delivery that focuses on further education opportunities. We are specialists in North American, British and continental European tertiary education and welcome the opportunity to serve you further. Following are comments from a few of our satisfied clients…

“I could write paragraphs about Dr. Cameron’s skills as a college counsellor (his affinity for recognizing what drives/motivates a person, his understanding of the university landscape, his ability to help one effectively summarize broad ideas into simple yet beautiful writing etc.) But by doing so I would miss the broader, more important, point. Dr. Cameron views the university application process as a learning experience, a chance for self-exploration and growth. With that end in mind, he focuses unrelentingly on what actually matters: helping students develop their aspirations for university, probing the students as they try to synthesize their “life story” and asking for nothing short of perfection once the writing process begins. By doing so, Dr. Cameron is not just a college counsellor; he is a life coach. I am absolutely confident that anyone who opens him/herself up to his advice will look back at the process (irrespective of the number of university acceptances it led to) and realize that they have grown as a thinker, a writer and a person.”

– Christopher Stromeyer, accepted to Georgetown University

“Dr. Cameron is, simply put, an amazing advisor who went beyond the call of duty to make sure that I got into my first choice of university, NYU! He was great and helped make the personal statement writing process easier and, to some extent, even enjoyable! I am really grateful to him for putting in long hours and late nights to offer advice on my sometimes-longwinded essays, helping me turn them into crisp and clear narratives that were worthy of submission. I’d definitely recommend him to everyone!”

– Yash Thesia, accepted to New York University

“Rick is invaluable. I am greatly appreciative of his guidance to our two sons on navigating successfully and with confidence along the complicated path of their college preparation process. He effectively advised, supported and understood their strengths. From there, he created a targeted list of ‘best fit’ colleges and provided high-calibre instruction on test prep, essay writing and interview skills.”

– Eleni Serpanos, Legal Consultant & HR Administrator, Washington D.C.

“When PMC needed an education partner with extensive knowledge of the US, HEA was the obvious choice. Dr. Rick Cameron, with his firsthand experience of US universities plus his decade of work with students in international schools in Europe, was the ideal partner for a US-UK university application workshop delivered by PMC at St George’s School, Montreux Switzerland. Phil Moss Consulting and Higher Ed Advisory have subsequently delivered the workshop annually at schools across Europe.”

– Phil Moss, Founder and CEO, Phil Moss Consulting